
Founded in 1990, our Institute for Research on Women and Gender (formerly known as the Institute for Women’s Studies) facilitates gender studies and research networking. The Institute’s current focus is on promoting interdisciplinary studies that encourage and enable women  to build a better place for everyone.



Our activities include:


Individual and project research is conducted by researchers at TWCU with support from our Insutitute.

・Events and Lectures

Lectures and public seminars on women and gender studies are held throughout the year.  An intergrated course on women and gender studies taught by several lectures is offered in TWCU and open to the public, subject to availability.


In addition to producing studies and event proceedings in various forms, our Institute publishes Annual Report, Research Report  and a series of books on women and gender studies.


Research Fellowships and Scholarships

Our Institute invites research fellows (including overseas researchers), publishes their papers and hosts public seminars and networking events for them. Scholarships are available for eligible researchers.